Workshop: Creative Hammering – Anticlastic and Synclastic Forming

Recently I have attended a metal forming workshop offered by Metalwerx - School for jewelry and the metal arts located just outside of Boston. Cynthia Eid was the instructor. The workshop covered the topics that appear in its title: "creative hammering – anticlastic and synclastic forming".

 The motto of my blog is a lot of photos and only some explanations. However, in this case, it would be hard to describe in a few sentences the variety of methods I learned, the detailed demonstrations, the variety of tools that the instructor brought to class and demonstrated their use, the comprehensive explanations about the metals appropriate for each method and much more.

 Some methods were completely new to me, for example: shell forming and ribbon making. Other methods I only knew from books or articles and had a chance to raise my level of performance.

Above all I want to note the personal attention that each of us received from Cynthia Eid our instructor, and the atmosphere she created throughout the week that was creative and professional on one hand but pleasant and full of humor on the other hand.
The entrance and kitchen

Display of jewelry mainly fabricated by students during workshops

Anticlastic and synclastic tools

The studio

Demonstration given by Cynthia Eid

Organizing the display of the pieces each student during the workshop made

My pieces – it doesn't look a lot for 5 days but each piece represents a different working method that can be developed / interpreted into an endless number of designs.
