Complementary colors: yellow & purple

The three traditional sets of complimentary colors, as derived from the Red-Yellow-Blue color model, are red and green, yellow and purple, and orange and blue.
When using complimentary colors for jewelry the result is dramatic. So usually I don’t use them as I prefer colors that blend and that the boundaries among them are blurred. Yet a while ago I have fabricated a blue & orange necklace which received many compliments.
Now I want to try the yellow and purple combination. The idea came to me yesterday morning as I saw a few bunches of yellow and purple flowers. Right now I am only gathering ideas and materials but it’s a beginning.

Yellow and purple flowers

Yellow and purple flowers

Amethyst & citrine beads
Amethyst beads and yellowish pearls

Paintings by Miriam Cojucaru from my private collection

Glass vessel I bought years ago in France by MAURE VIEILLE - MICK ET BOB LE BLEIS
